A2D Project regularly produces knowledge products and resources to help share our work to others and engage communities of practice in the exercise of mutual learning. Over the years, we have produced research reports, policy briefs, good practices documents, and other resources to build our knowledge base and share the stories of communities whom we have partnered with.

Policy Brief for Managing Household Hazardous Wastes in Cebu City
This policy brief is anchored on a baseline study on the generation, storage, and disposal practices of household hazardous wastes in Cebu City. This study was conducted by A2D Project—Research Group for Alternatives to Development, Inc. in partnership with the Cebu City government through the Committee on Parks & Playground, Wildlife, Ecology and Environmental Management, and BAN Toxics! an independent, non-profit, environmental organization that is devoted to preventing toxic trade of wastes, goods, and technology. This brief provides information of the current