Congratulations to our former Executive Director and GA member, Dr.

Congratulations to our former Executive Director and GA member, Dr. Kaira Alburo.


Congratulations to our former Executive Director and GA member, Dr. Kaira Alburo.

ASAA President Prof. Kate McGregor announces the 2021 John Legge Prize for Best Thesis in Asian Studies – Asian Studies Association of Australia



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Disasters do not impact everyone equally ⚖️ Low- and middle-income countries suffer the most severe economic losses from disasters globally. Now it’s time to #StopTheSpiral Find out more in the #GAR2022 Report


Disasters do not impact everyone equally ⚖️
Low- and middle-income countries suffer the most severe economic losses from disasters globally.
Now it’s time to #StopTheSpiral 🌀
Find out more in the #GAR2022 Report 👉

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Medellin ” , ” June 14, 2022 A2D Project staff carried out a focus group discussion… More


Medellin ” , “
June 14, 2022

A2D Project staff carried out a focus group discussion…


No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.


” , ” June 14, 2022 A2D Project staff carried out a focus group… More


” , “
June 14, 2022

A2D Project staff carried out a focus group…


No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.


Access to appropriate AT enables people to participate more in education, work, family, and community life. Discussion happening now: #COSP15


Access to appropriate AT enables people to participate more in education, work, family, and community life. Discussion happening now: #COSP15

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– ” ” June 11, 2022 A2D Project Executive Director, Katherine Velmonte, and DRR COnsultant, Karen Tria, met with the Northern Samar PDRRMO Head, Josiah Echano, to discuss and update the project… More


– ” “
June 11, 2022

A2D Project Executive Director, Katherine Velmonte, and DRR COnsultant, Karen Tria, met with the Northern Samar PDRRMO Head, Josiah Echano, to discuss and update the project…


May be an image of 3 people, people sitting, people standing and indoorMay be an image of 3 people, people sitting, people standing and indoorMay be an image of 3 people, people sitting, people standing and indoorMay be an image of 1 person and indoor


, – ” ” March 28, 2022 A2D Project conducted a courtesy meeting with the local government… More


, – ” “
March 28, 2022

A2D Project conducted a courtesy meeting with the local government…


No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.


– ” ” June 3, 2022 A2D Project conducted a courtesy meeting with the local government units of… More


– ” “
June 3, 2022

A2D Project conducted a courtesy meeting with the local government units of…


No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.


At COP26, almost 200 countries, including the Philippines, came together in the United Kingdom to take a collective action on climate change and agreed on the Glasgow Climate Pact to keep the goal of a global average temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius alive. Some of the major commitments by… More


At COP26, almost 200 countries, including the Philippines, came together in the United Kingdom to take a collective action on climate change and agreed on the Glasgow Climate Pact to keep the goal of a global average temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius alive.

Some of the major commitments by…


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PPFA and A2D Project is prototyping its contour farming idea utilizing mora (vetiver) grass in the Municipality of Tabogon, Cebu. This project is supported by the Pinnovation Academy.


PPFA and A2D Project is prototyping its contour farming idea utilizing mora (vetiver) grass in the Municipality of Tabogon, Cebu. This project is supported by the Pinnovation Academy.

No photo description available.No photo description available.No photo description available.
