( ) May 28-29, 2022 As part of the mentoring and coaching session of the Pinnovation to its innovators, a training on vetiver and contour farming was facilitated by the assigned… More


( )
May 28-29, 2022

As part of the mentoring and coaching session of the Pinnovation to its innovators, a training on vetiver and contour farming was facilitated by the assigned…


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79% of people w/ #disabilities find it difficult to evacuate & 6% of them do not evacuate at all. It is high time we acted in #DIDRR, especially since the realization of greater gaps w/#COVID19! Take part in #GPDRR2022 panels @UNDRR @CBMworldwide #IDADRR #ResilienceForAll


79% of people w/ #disabilities find it difficult to evacuate & 6% of them do not evacuate at all.
It is high time we acted in #DIDRR, especially since the realization of greater gaps w/#COVID19!
Take part in #GPDRR2022 panels👉https://bit.ly/39Zqsrl @UNDRR @CBMworldwide #IDADRR #ResilienceForAll

CBM Infographic: In the event of sudden disaster: 79% of people with disabilities would find it difficult to evacuate immediately and 6% of persons with disabilities would not be able to evacuate at all.CBM Logo at the bottom right


April 27, 2022 A2D Project Executive Director, Katherine Velmonte and Cebu Disability – Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network Convener, Corazon Bajuyo Clarin, co-facilitated the virtual training on inclusive… More


April 27, 2022

A2D Project Executive Director, Katherine Velmonte and Cebu Disability – Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network Convener, Corazon Bajuyo Clarin, co-facilitated the virtual training on inclusive…


May be an image of 5 people and textMay be an image of ‎16 people, screen and ‎text that says '‎Zoom Meeting Axel Schmidt ። View Kat Velmonte Martin Kunstmann (ASB) ااااا/ار ייווי MaHerzog Nikola W. rsten Hartmann arche n... Carla Wehmeier Malteser.. Sandra UrChavezzander Lisann Fried (SODI) Leonie Schnack HelpAge Sabita Julie Muthiani (a che nova) Kevin Müller Academy oft. Susanne Seith WVD Corazon Clarin Sarah Malelu, GIZ Justine Kniffke,... BettinaShlln Bettina Schilling Unmute Stopideo ideo Sandra Justine Kniffke, Academy of... Participants Sandra Chat Ûe cc Record LiveTranscript Reactions Leave‎'‎‎


April 10, 2022 A2D Project collaborates with the Humanitarian Disaster Preparedness and Response of RAFI – Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. to discuss and brainstorm the development of… More


April 10, 2022

A2D Project collaborates with the Humanitarian Disaster Preparedness and Response of RAFI – Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. to discuss and brainstorm the development of…


May be an image of 10 people and people standingMay be an image of 11 people and people standingMay be an image of 11 people, people sitting, people standing and indoorMay be an image of 13 people, people standing and indoor


2 , A2D Project-Research Group for Alternatives to Development, Inc., with funding support from the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), launches a new project entitled “For… More


2 ,

A2D Project-Research Group for Alternatives to Development, Inc., with funding support from the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), launches a new project entitled “For…


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In celebration of National Intellectual Disability Week, we would like to place the limelight on persons with intellectual disabilities. Intellectual disabilities are characterized by limitations to a person’s ability to learn and function at a certain level. These disabilities are especially common…


In celebration of National Intellectual Disability Week, we would like to place the limelight on persons with intellectual disabilities. Intellectual disabilities are characterized by limitations to a person’s ability to learn and function at a certain level. These disabilities are especially common…

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A2D Project is proud of your nomination Corazon Bajuyo Clarin, the Convener of the Cebu DiDRR Network. Congrats and good luck!


A2D Project is proud of your nomination Corazon Bajuyo Clarin, the Convener of the Cebu DiDRR Network. Congrats and good luck!

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Free training! Enroll now! Limited slots only! This is also open to the parents/guardians of persons with disabilities. Requirements: – PWD ID – Must be 18 to 60 yrs. old – With stable internet connection – Device with camera – Zoom account…


Free training!
Enroll now!
Limited slots only!
This is also open to the parents/guardians of persons with disabilities.
– Must be 18 to 60 yrs. old
– With stable internet connection
– Device with camera
– Zoom account…

No photo description available.
