
Congrats A2D @ 10th year now
Congrats A2D @ 10th year now

Ten years ago today, A2D Project-Research Group for Alternatives to Development, Inc. was incorporated in Cebu, Philippines. What started as a small group of researchers who sought to make a difference in the Philippines has now become an established organization recognized for its contributions in... More
Ten years ago today, A2D Project-Research Group for Alternatives to Development, Inc. was incorporated in Cebu, Philippines. What started as a…

During this time, we can as leaders review the ways in which we are now disadvantaged and use this increased insight and empathy to review what changes could and should be made to support the disabled community.
We Have Been Disabled: How The Pandemic Has Proven The Social Model Of DisabilityDuring this time, we can as leaders review the ways in which…

#DRRCCASDGSUMMIT: An Expo-Summit on Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development Goals
A2D Project-Research Group for Alternatives to Development, Inc. (A2D) hosted an Expo-Summit on Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and…

A2D Project showcases initiatives in promoting Disability-inclusive DRR at the 7th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction(AMCDRR)
A2D Project participated in the recently concluded 7th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in New Delhi, India last November 3-5,…

A2D Project receives grant from Canada Fund for Local Initiatives; trailblazes in implementing Gender-responsive budgeting for DRM/CCA
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives awards an 8-month grant to A2D Project to implement an initiative entitled “Women Action for Community Resilience…